Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bartering–Baby Steps

I'm trying the bartering thing.  In doing all the considering about money that I've been doing, I can't help but consider what things I can barter for.  It's fantastic to do a run down of all the things you have to offer and make a list of all the things you spend money on.  It's nice to categorize the things you spend money on and think if there's any way you can sart spending less money on those things–whether it's exchanging time to get those things for free–who you could ask for some of those things (the internet and social networking is your friend!) or if you can live without.

To start, I'm exchanging planning and starting a friends veg garden for hand drumming lessons–a great skill for when I'm singing, and great for when I'm teaching!

Sites like SwapSity are great for skill and product exchanges.  And never overlook Kijiji or Craigslist if you're looking for things–try to find used before you go new!  I've gotten free haircuts on Craigslist and there are always "Curb Alerts" about things seen on the side of the road.  There really is no need to spend money on new products ALL the time, and you'd be surprised how many skills your friends have....

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