Saturday, March 2, 2013

New Goals

I have made a choice.
A difficult choice.
A crazy choice?
The best choice.

I have decided to dedicate myself to making tiny changes daily to make my life more the life I want to live.
No more excuses:
"I'm renting my place"
"I have roommates"
"I don't have enough space"
"I don't have time"
"I don't have the cash"
From myself especially.

I've started, recently, making these changes and it feels amazing.
I'm more real.
I'm more me.
I love myself.
I love my life.

But the questioning is difficult.
It's taken me about 5 years to get to where I am today.
With a LOT of:
Hard work,
Meeting People,
Life Coaching,

Most recently, since I volunteered at the Guelph Organic Conference ( in the beginning of February (holy, only a month ago!!) I have begun questioning all my preconceived life values:
What is my relationship to work?
What is my relationship to money?
What do I really NEED?
Who do I want to spend my time with?
What is BUSY?
What is work?
What is art?
What is folk?
Who do I want to be?
How do I want to spend my time?
You know, the easy questions.

In that time I decided that in order to answer these questions, I want to create a community around myself so as not to lose my mind.
I want to meet people.
I want to talk about ideas.
I want to learn.
Maybe I can even inspire small changes in others.
And so here it begins.

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